Published on May 16, 2014 by Dr. Randal S. Olson
falling front page hotness post ranking reddit rising subreddit virality
2 min READ
For the past week, I've been mapping out virality trends on various subreddits to better understand how posts go viral on reddit. As a neat side effect, I discovered a method to detect rising and falling subreddits. Basically, a "rising" subreddit is one that has a large, steady increase in hotness over time (blue to red), whereas a "falling" subreddit is going in the opposite direction (red to blue).
Here's the rising subreddits I've manage to detect: /r/4chan, /r/AlienBlue, /r/AskWomen, /r/battlestations, /r/Demotivational, /r/Diablo, /r/dubstep, /r/Fallout, /r/IWantToLearn, /r/JusticePorn, /r/learnprogramming, /r/MorbidReality, /r/Steam, /r/TrueReddit, /r/woahdude
Here's the falling subreddits I've managed to detect: /r/itookapicture, /r/MURICA, /r/Frugal, /r/Health, /r/Homebrewing, /r/keto, /r/loseit, /r/progresspics, /r/sex, /r/travel